Once you login to the platform, select the "All Candidates" tab to view available candidates. Search for the right candidate using our filtering tools. You can filter candidates by location, job type, education, and skills. You can hide candidates' photos and names if you want to use a blind recruitment process.
When you find a candidate you are interested in, select "View Profile" to learn more about the candidate. This will give you access to additional information about the candidate's experiences, skills, interests, and education.
After selecting the candidates you are interested in, reach out to Allison or Amanda from our team with the candidates' names. We will begin the candidate connection process for you. If a candidate is interested in your role, we will connect you with the candidate via email.
Once you're connected with a candidate, set up a time to interview them. You can interview candidates through your normal process. If you find a candidate who's a good fit, send them an offer and let our team know if they accept!